Monday 15 August 2011

Fashion Faux Pas

When it comes to men’s fashion, trends and styles will come and go but some things will always remain the same. Whilst we believe that you should try to experiment with new looks and ideas there will still always be some staple rules with how you dress that should never be ignored!

For instance, probably the most common fashion faux pas is socks and sandals yet you still see so many men who fail to notice how truly awful this looks. As soon as the sun comes out the shorts go on, and so too do the socks and sandals. Although it has to be said that this is better  than the catastrophic shorts, socks and dress shoes!

Another rule that seems to go unnoticed by the male population is colour. Getting the balance right is crucial, too many different ones and you’ll look like Krusty the Clown, but too few and you’ll be as beige as your grandad. Generally stick to the rule of 3, no more than 3 colours or shades will ensure you have the balance just right.

Wearing the wrong size is a mistake made by the majority of the population, not just men. Know your size - wearing clothes that are too big or small for you will only make you appear larger than you are. Wearing the right size will make you appear smarter and more together, you’ll also feel more confident knowing that you look good.

Similarly, scruffiness is simply unforgivable, unless you’re at home cleaning the bathroom. Never go out in public with crumpled shirt collars, stained trousers or a wonky tie unless you want to risk an embarrassing ‘standing out from the crowd for all the wrong reasons‘ moment. Have a bit of pride in how you look, iron the shirt before you wear it and put clothes in the wash if they’re dirty so you don’t wear them again!

Also, Simon Cowell is not a style icon. High waisted may be a trend for women but unless you want to commit a serious fashion crime stay away from anything that sits too high on your waist. Similarly, steer clear of ‘ankle swingers,’ the hem of your trousers should sit in the middle of the heel of your shoe. You’ll also know if they’re too long because they’ll sit lower than this and have more than one crease or fold at the front.

Finally, although it doesn’t involve getting dressed, grooming is something that should never be skipped from your daily routine. You can wear a great outfit and get everything else right, but ruin it all by not considering your body. Have regular hair cuts, spend a few more minutes shaving so that you don’t miss a patch and ALWAYS clean your teeth. Clean and tidy nails is another area missed by many as is body odour. Before you leave the house, imagine meeting yourself for the first time, would you be impressed? If not, go back indoors and finish getting ready!

Wednesday 3 August 2011

Fashion Shows

Head & Griffiths have recently taken part in some fashion shows alongside Midlands networking group Friday 13th. The fashion shows were designed to be fun events for networking group guests, an opportunity to enjoy an evening of champagne and canapés and see some of our latest designs.

It was great for us to be able to showcase our suits, especially as our models were our customers - the best people for the job! It was difficult keeping their identities under wraps in the run up to the shows but it was all worth it on the night and everyone had a great time.

Why not have a look at some of the photos from the night!

Skype Sessions

Free Unlimited Fashion Advice

Ever wondered.....
- Is this the right size for me?

- Is this the right colour?

- What colour shoes should I wear?

- How do I know when something is well made?

- What fabric is this?

- Did I pay too much?

- Does this suit me?

Why not join in at one of our Skype Sessions, come and chat to us every Wednesday from 1-2pm and we'll help you with all those fashion and tailoring queries that you've never found the answer to.

Chat live with the Head & Griffiths team and take advantage of our expert knowledge.

Wedding Suits

Getting the right suit for your wedding day can be a headache. You want to look fantastic on your special day but can't find what you're looking for in the shops, or maybe you're not sure what you're looking for?

If you like the idea of having some matching elements to the look of the Groom, best men and ushers some options that have come up include:

- Matching ties
- Matching cloth
- Matching details
- Matching waistcoats
- Matching embroidery
- Matching shirts

It is so important to make sure that everyone looks just how you want on your wedding day. If you want people to match then it can look really slick.

The best thing about getting personalised for your groomsmen is you can keep the garments for  pleasure/work/special occasions in the future.

Why waste money on hiring.

Monday 25 July 2011

The Shift Dress

An essential part of any woman's working wardrobe should be a shift dress. Simple, elegant and stylish, it not only looks good but it's a time saver too - you don't have to spend ages in the mornings trying to find something that goes with it - just chuck it on and you're good to go!

As you walk to work you'll notice just how many women have taken to the shift dress as their work outfit of choice. They are everywhere. Understandably too as it's so versatile. Pair it with a smart jacket and heels for an ultra professional look and then lose the jacket and add some quirky accessories and you're ready for an evening socialising. 

The shift dress is the ultimate in timeless style. Choose a simple design, quality fabric and classic colour, and you'll have a dress that will last you a lifetime and will be wearable all year round.