Friday 10 December 2010

10th Day of Christmas - Personalised Garments

At Head & Griffiths we pride ourselves on offering a very personal service. Cutting every suit by hand means we can provide you with a garment with personal touches which are unique and special to you. Stepping into a suit which is exclusively yours is quite an incomparable feeling.

Personal embroidery inside a suit or on a shirt cuff can really express your personality. It may be a simple as your name or initials. It could be a phrase, quote, company name or whatever it is that defines you. This instantly distinguishes your garment and makes it that little bit more special. But, how much does personal embroidery cost? Well, at Head & Griffiths we like to offer it to our clients absolutely free, because we're nice like that.

Thursday 9 December 2010

9th Day of Christmas - Silk Linings

The beauty of having a made-to-measure suit is you'll have a garment that fits you perfectly.  Having the opportunity to create something using the cloths you have selected can be a proud moment for any customer.

As well as being able to choose from a variety of suit cloths, you may also choose from a whole wealth of lining options in silk. Choose from a range of plain silks or perhaps one of our silk pattern linings to give your Head & Griffiths suit the wow factor.  

If you wish to book an appointment with us to view some of our suit and lining cloths simply click the links below.

8th Day of Christmas - Editorial in dluxe magazine

Head & Griffiths have recently been featured in the winter edition of local magazine dluxedluxe Leicestershire is a new breed of magazine aimed directly at the county’s exclusive population of high net worth Achievers and Aspirers who hold both style and substance in equal esteem. If you're the aspirational type, make sure to go grab yourself a copy!

7th Day of Christmas - Silk Ties

Socks, pants and ties. Think of a Christmas present to get your Dad or uncle Dave and these are the three items which usually crop up such is the stereotype. Patronising socks for each day of the week, underwear with jingle bells on and a tie with a snowman on. Yuk.

However, Head & Griffiths are doing their best to break the taboo of giving ties for Christmas with their new range of 100% silk ties. The quintessential item to complete any suit not just for Christmas....but for life.

Tuesday 7 December 2010

6th Day of Christmas - Wool cashmere overcoat

With the recent freezing temperatures we can bet your overcoat is coming in handy at the moment. Our fully made to measure overcoats use wool cashmere cloths and you have the opportunity to add your own personal touches to them in the same way you do with our made-to-measure suits. Wearing a good overcoat is very much like putting on your favourite suit - if it's something a little special and unique, you'll want to wear it again and again.

For more information regarding our overcoats please contact us on 0116 207 8825

Or if you wish to book a fitting simply click one of the links below

Personal Fitting Service
Traveling Tailor Service

Monday 6 December 2010

5th Day of Christmas - 5 Made-To-Measure Shirts!

If you live in Leicestershire and the East Midlands you may have spotted some of our special offer flyers.

We currently have two offers for our made-to-measure shirts. Five shirts for each working day and another offer of two shirts for the weekend.

You can choose your own cloth and add your own unique touches - you can even have your initials or a phrase embroidered on your cuff! 

Why not book a fitting with us today?

4th Day of Christmas - Luxury Leather Bags

For the man who does a lot of traveling, these leather bags make carrying your belongings easy and classy.

Contact us on 0116 207 8825 if you are interested in purchasing these bags

Friday 3 December 2010

3rd Day of Christmas - 3 Piece Suit

Investing in a 3 piece suit is another great way to add to your wardrobe. By choosing versatile cloth colours you will find it easy to team particular items with other jackets and trousers for both formal and informal occasions.

Thursday 2 December 2010

2nd Day of Christmas - Two smart blazers

When developing your wardrobe it is a good idea to have five good quality suits which you can rotate. Maybe even as many as ten if you have to wear suits regularly. 

This is really the foundation of any formal wear wardrobe. Once you have established a strong collection of 2-piece and 3-piece suits, it's time to add some blazers to your wardrobe.

These can typically be worn when socialising with friends with a good pair of jeans. If you are the creative type and don't have to wear suits on a regular basis, having a couple of blazers you can chuck on when going to meetings is invaluable. However, to make them as versatile as possible, think about how you could team them up with some trousers from other suits. A contrasting jacket and suit trousers is something were seeing more regularly at the moment.

Wednesday 1 December 2010

1st Day of Christmas - One Made-to-Measure Suit

At Head & Griffiths we offer the wearer the opportunity to create something that is just about him....a garment that looks and feels unique. But wouldn't it be lovely to wake up on Christmas morning knowing that you could have a suit that fits you perfectly also?

Here are some useful tips to keep an eye out for when you're purchasing your tailoring

Is your suit fully canvassed? Semi-canvassed? Or not canvassed at all?!

Canvas in a suit gives it structure, shape and strength throughout a suit jacket. If your jacket isn't canvased it may be 'fused'. This is where a glue is used to fuse (as you can see these names took ages to come up with) the fabric together and so make it appear a lot stiffer. The glue is water resistant so on a hot summers day, all the moisture coming from your body has no where to go and so you can literally stick to your suit. This makes fused suits quite uncomfortable to wear. A semi-canvas jacket will still give it this structure but merely around the chest area and the rest will be fused. This sounds appealing, however it is a little like having Fernando Alonso and Lewis Hamilton driving for the same team. It doesn't work together properly so a full canvas suit will always look, travel and drape better.

Is your suit hand cut?

If you are fortunate enough to have your suit made-to-measure it will be hand cut. Cutting every suit by hand means we can match up all the pinstripes and patterns in a cloth. This gives itself a much cleaner finish. It may appear to be a small detail, however it is something which will separate your suit from the rest.

Made-to-measure suits give you choice

Whether it be when buying food or a brand new car, we like to have choice don't we? Along the high street you can be limited to just navy and grey cloths. Having a suit made-to-measure gives you choice from a whole range of premium cloths and lining fabrics.

Practicality helps to give a suit longevity 

There are little extras within a made-to-measure suit to improve your suits life which you can sometimes struggle to find when purchasing a suit on the high street. Padding in the trousers and around the armholes, tapering around the hem of the trousers will reduce wear and tear.