Tuesday 19 October 2010

What kind of party doesn't have a DJ?

I don't want to use the c-word too early but.....it's 9 weeks till Christmas! 

You can picture it now can't you? Sitting down on Christmas day - you've got you're huge turkey in the oven, wrapped Head & Griffiths presents are under the tree, copious amounts of booze chilling in the cellar. But wait - what are you going to wear to all those glamourous events you've been invited to?

Well, a dinner jacket naturally. It is perhaps the quintessential item for any man's wardrobe. Whether you hire or have purchased a dinner jacket, ready-to-wear items can all look very much the same. However, how about a made-to-measure dinner jacket?

Although there are some rules to black tie dress, there is considerably more room for variation unlike white tie dress which is typically worn at banquets, balls and if you're in the mood, the opera. Why not choose a wool cashmere black cloth with a subtle birdseye pattern? Perhaps a black silk trim or collar? It could even be double breasted. No one said the lining had to be black so why not opt for a rich purple silk lining?

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